Use BNB/ETH to buy FEG

How to buy FEG with BNB on Pancakeswap

  1. Ensure you have BNB in your wallet.

  2. You can open the Dapps browser within your wallet by clicking on the center icon at the bottom, which represents a browser or dApp.

  3. Use the search bar at the top of the dApp browser to navigate to PancakeSwap. Alternatively, you can click the pancake icon from the list of available dApps.

  4. Make sure you are using PancakeSwap V2.

  5. Choose the token you want to trade for FEG Token by clicking on the "Cake" token displayed. This will open the search menu where you can select the token you have and want to trade.

  6. Please copy and paste the FEGbsc contract address into the search field to import the token and activate it for trading: 0xbededDf2eF49E87037c4fb2cA34d1FF3D3992A11

  7. Adjust the slippage manually to ensure a successful trade. Click on the gear icon to access the slippage menu. Enter a slippage value of at least 4% for buys (8% for sells) and close the menu.

  8. Enter the amount of BNB you wish to exchange for FEG Token.

  9. Remember to leave some BNB in your wallet to cover the gas fees required by the Binance network.

  10. When ready, click the "swap" button to initiate the trade.

How to buy FEG with ETH on Uniswap

  1. Ensure you have ETH in your wallet.

  2. Open the Dapps browser within your wallet by clicking on the center icon at the bottom, which represents a browser or dApp.

  3. When you are ready and have ETH in your wallet, navigate to the Dapps browser and search for Uniswap or click on the Uniswap pink unicorn icon from the available dApps list.

  4. Choose the token you wish to trade ETH for; in this case, it is FEG. Click the "Select a token" button to open the search menu.

  5. Type "FEG" in the search field. Uniswap will automatically find FEG. Click the "import" button to proceed.

  6. Before importing, double-check that you are importing the correct FEG token by verifying that the displayed address matches 0xbededDf2eF49E87037c4fb2cA34d1FF3D3992A11.

  7. Click the gear icon to open the options menu.

  8. Enter the desired slippage value manually to set it. Typically, 4% is a good option for buys (8% for selling).

  9. Now, you are ready to initiate the swap. Click on the swap field and enter the amount of ETH you wish to use to purchase FEG Token. Remember to keep some ETH in your wallet to cover the gas fees.

  10. After you enter the ETH amount, the system will auto-populate the estimated FEG amount you will receive from the swap. Please take a moment to review this information.

  11. Click the "swap" button to proceed with the transaction.

  12. A confirmation dialog from Uniswap will appear, providing additional details. Read the information carefully, and if you are satisfied with the displayed amounts, click the "confirm swap" button.

  13. A final confirmation window will be displayed by your wallet, asking you to select the preferred gas fees for the transaction. Using the "recommended" or "fast" fees is recommended for better chances of successful execution.

  14. Remember to keep some ETH in your wallet to cover the gas fees required by the Ethereum network.

  15. When ready, click the "swap" button to finalize the transaction.

Once the transaction is executed, you must wait for the process to complete and receive your FEG tokens. The duration can vary depending on the network congestion and may take seconds to hours.

Last updated